
Nonprofit Statement of Activities Explained MIP Fund Accounting

nonprofit statement of activities

The nonprofit statement of activities is essentially a fund accounting report parallel to a for-profit’s income statement. Instead of measuring income, it focuses on providing detailed information about how the nonprofit uses its funding to advance the organization’s mission. Even though non-profits and for-profits utilize different financial reports, both types of organizations are similar in that they need cash to stay afloat. Cash flow statements for non-profits are nearly identical to cash flow statements in the for-profit world. A cash flow statement for a non-profit organization reports the amount of cash a company has on hand by factoring its operation costs, assets, and financing. If you are new to nonprofit accounting, your first step is to understand the basic principles and needs of statements of functional expenses.

What is a statement of activity report?

A statement of activities is a comprehensive report that provides valuable information about an organization's finances. It typically includes data on revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets.

All of a nonprofit’s funds should be reinvested into the organization and its mission. An Income Statement will show you how much money you brought in and how much money you spent over a period of time. If you want to show your operating performance over a period of time, then use a Statement of Cash Flows. The Statement of Cash Flows is less common but can be very important for understanding cash flow in your nonprofit organization.

Sample Statement of Activities

These changes would free up additional funds that could be used to support additional programs or services offered by the Foundation. Financial activities result in either a surplus (increase) or shortfall/deficit (decrease) in the organization’s net assets shown on the Statement of Financial Position (SOFP). Net results are classified as either with or without donor restrictions per FASB (the Financial Accounting Standards Board). The result of each year’s financial activity is shown as the “change in net assets,” that is, increases or decreases to the related net assets categories. After that time elapses, they can be released from restriction and used as the nonprofit sees fit. The cherry on top is that this report can help your organization file your annual Form 990 report.

When you first think of financial statements, your mind might jump to the standard balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements typically used by for-profit organizations. This report identifies funds received without donor restrictions and funds with donor restrictions. Additionally, this report will identify how much money the organization spent on operating expenses and how much money was raised from donations.

What is the nonprofit statement of activities?

This statement may be more complex for nonprofits who have donor restricted contributions. Contributions are recorded with restrictions or without restrictions based on the presence or absence of donor imposed restrictions. When donor restrictions expire, or the purpose has been fulfilled the statement of activities will show a reclassification as net assets are released from restrictions. This Statement also requires classification of an organization’s net assets and its revenues, expenses, gains, and losses based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Because the money that comes from nonprofit businesses is the result of grants, fundraisers, donations, and campaigns, not-for-profit organizations must report their expenses differently than a for-profit business would.

This means the money you collect from people to support your organization can be spent on whatever aspect of your organization needs the most attention. For example, when comparing the major financial statements of a for-profit to a non-profit organization, you’ll notice that even though both are reports of financial value, they differ in title and motivation. These four financial statements are critical to the long-term success of any nonprofit and it’s vital they are fully accurate. Many industry watchdogs rate nonprofits according to their transparency in the publication of these financial statements. Nonprofits occasionally fail to account for these restrictions and later encounter problems when they unintentionally use restricted funds for a different purpose.

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Research the tax implications of other fundraising activities you might conduct as well. It is important to see the distinction between restricted and unrestricted as only unrestricted revenue can be used to pay bills. When a restriction is satisfied, those monies are moved from restricted to unrestricted and then used for expenses. Looking at the number of people working on each program at the nonprofit business and the expenses they accrue, one can determine each individual employee’s and program’s expenses.

For instance, if your nonprofit has $55,000 in expenses and $65,000 in total revenue, it would appear that your net assets are positive, at $10,000. However, if $15,000 of your revenue is restricted, you’re actually $5,000 in the red and should cut expenses to maintain a sustainable organization. When you examine your nonprofit statement of activities, it should be clear that the line items in the statement match up with those in your organization’s budget. This allows your organization to make sure you’re on track with your budgeted regular expenses.

Key to Fulfilling Mission

A for-profit company’s balance sheet takes a snapshot of the company’s assets (what the company owns) and liabilities (money owed to others). Additionally, a balance sheet will show what is called owner’s equity (also known as stockholder’s or shareholder’s equity). When you subtract the company’s liabilities from its assets, you are left with owner’s equity. The owner’s equity represents a company’s net worth and is a very important variable for shareholders, current investors, and potential investors. Direct costs refer to expenses that can only relate to one classification– for example, grant payments are costs related to one department or specific program.

nonprofit statement of activities

A statement of activities shows your organization’s revenue and expenses over a reporting period and relays that your organization is a good steward of donations and working to accomplish its mission. The Balance Sheet lists the various types of assets and liabilities for nonprofits, such as cash on hand, marketable securities, and prepaid expenses. By understanding how to read this document, you’ll have a better idea of the general financial health of your organization. Viewing the Equity section, you’ll see how much money your organization has in assets minus how much it owes, broken down by each fund you maintain. This format also delineates funds with restrictions from funds without donor restrictions. By focusing on net assets without restrictions, organizations are given the most accurate and relevant picture of the net assets available for use.

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